Operation Veterans Re-Entry assists Army veteran with discharge upgrade

During last month’s Volunteers for Justice Dinner, PLC featured the following video about Army veteran and military sexual assault survivor Donna Christjaener.

Donna’s story reminds us of the importance of having PLC staff attorneys out in the community connecting with veterans. Equal Justice Works AmeriCorps Legal FellowAmanda Pertusati, who works in PLC’s Operation Veterans Re-Entry, sat with Donna and her husband at last month’s Volunteers for Justice Dinner and said: “Working on Donna’s case was a positive reminder as to why it is crucial to provide legal representation for veterans who could otherwise not navigate the legal system by themselves. Donna followed all the proper protocols to report her military sexual trauma, and yet nothing was done by the military to protect her. I was proud to advocate for Donna and hopefully provide the foundation for her to receive the discharge and benefits she is entitled to.”